Welcome to our new subsite which concentrates on all things related to our church building and its renovation.

If you look at the top of the page you will see that there are two menus. The upper one is the usual menu for our main site, and this works as it usually does.

The lower one is the new menu for this subsite. You will see that it is the colour of bricks and, if you hover over the various items, you will see that it is made of bricks. We have built an extension, with bricks!


Please take the time to look at the various items within this new menu. Hopefully you will find them informative and interesting.

Please remember that this is still a "building site", in more ways than one. It will change over time in ways that we can foresee and ways that we can't. So, please come back every week or two and hopefully there will be something new for you to read, look at or download.

If you have any comments or suggestions, or if you spot any error (no matter how small) then please get in touch.


Below you will find a slideshow telling the story of the renovation so far. Most of these photographs and captions come from parishioner Chris Carr, to whom we offer our thanks. Please use the controls at the sides to navigate your way through the presentation.

The renovation has started!

Our Thanks

We thank the following bodies for their grant aid towards the cost of the 2015-16 renovation. Please click on any logo below to go to the corresponding website. (If St Bride's is mentioned then we link to that page. Otherwise we link to the main page.)